What’s in a Name?

Every six months, I go through this cycle where I wonder if I’m a sham. I’ve identified myself as a “writer” for most of my (young) adult life, but I frequently find myself in a self-loathing moment where I wonder, “If I don’t...

Collaboration in Action!

I did a pretty good job of wallowing in misery in that last post, didn’t I? Let’s just say that developing functional literacy ain’t easy. Shall I even mention the fact that I’m incredibly behind on my coding? No! Because I have something...

Functions and Conjunctions

I have a confession to make: computers scare me. Admittedly, this is not ideal. I’m working towards graduate work in digital literacy/media studies. Yet if something goes wrong, I’m the first to call tech support, panicked. What am I thinking? And yes, I...

So What?

Around essay-grading time, there’s a beast that rears its ugly head. This beast goes by the terrifying name of: “So what?” The “so what?” beast is a simple creature, certainly not a many-headed hydra or a serpentine monster. Yet the beast...