Invasion of the Information Snatchers: How the Internet Taps into Our Fear of Malleable Identity and Authority — and What We Can Do About It”

Invasion of the Information Snatchers: How the Internet Taps into Our Fear of Malleable Identity and Authority — and What We Can Do About It”

As a child, I had a recurring bodysnatching nightmare. In the nightmare, I would be safely tucked into my bed, but I would then sense a glowing presence moving down the hallway that separated the front door to the house from my bedroom door. I would stay frozen under...

Your Favorite Authors, Now Chat Bots!

How do you think Fyodor Dostoevsky would react to Google Docs? Do you think he would embrace the collaborative writing tool or instead remain invested in the Enlightenment individualism that accounts for much of contemporary writing practice and thought? Google gives...