
I’m having trouble turning off noise today. It’s all kinds of noise: cell phone noise, social media noise, inside brain noise. There’s something poetic about being consumed in this “white noise” considering I am in the postmodern phase of my prelim reading. I think my...

Recurring Dreams, Real Dreams

I’ve been sent to an administrator’s office. The hallway is long, sterile, inevitably linoleum. I’m ushered into a room with taupe walls and stock art. A secretary barely notices me. Then, it’s time to talk to the Man in Charge. “There’s been something of… a mix-up in...

First Thoughts from #4C13

Las Vegas casinos, with their long hallways, patterned carpets, and mirrored walls, are designed to disorient. Last week, I stayed at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas, NV attending the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) and found myself moving in...

What’s in a Name?

Every six months, I go through this cycle where I wonder if I’m a sham. I’ve identified myself as a “writer” for most of my (young) adult life, but I frequently find myself in a self-loathing moment where I wonder, “If I don’t...

A Hazy Shade of Summer

In elementary school, I used to create binders for each class I took. I slipped hand-drawn covers into the plastic pockets at the front of each: “MATH!!” swirled in purple glitter or “HISTORY!!” emblazoned with heart stickers and rainbows. The...