Citation Woes

I sheepishly admitted something  embarrassing to a member of my dissertation committee yesterday: I still use Microsoft Word to take notes and keep track of citations. “Jenaaaaae,” he groaned. “Seriously? It’s time to get with the twenty-first...

Why I Keep (Some) Old Graded Writing

Last week, I sat cross-legged on the floor of my living room sorting through piles of old papers. It’s only when I begin a move to a new apartment that I go through this purging ritual. This time around, I had to exude an enormous amount of personal strength to...

How I Read for Fun

Perhaps one of the most common questions I get asked as an English grad student is, “So, do you still like to read? For fun?” When I tell people that yes, I promise that studying books and words has not soured them at all for me, they’re usually a...