On Work and Time

I’m growing accustomed to that rhythm of a working day. I can predict almost exactly how long it will take me to become quickly distracted (i.e. after my first couple of hours), the point at which my stomach will rumble in the afternoon for a lunch break (i.e....

The Sound of Silence

My office is a very quiet place. But for the mechanical gushes of air conditioning that grace the office airwaves on the half hour (I look a lot like this most days), the only other sounds I hear are the click-clacking of keyboards, the gentle shuffle of someone off...

Life in the Cube

For the first time in my life, I have a punch card. That’s right: my hours inside an office are tracked. Punch in. Punch out. Present. Absent. Working. Not working. Shifting from a life of complete flexibility and fluidity to one with rules and set hours is...

In Which I Will Not Be Afraid!

“You’re going to come running back to academia,” a colleague assured me when I described to her my summer internship working in a Technical Communications department at a company in San Diego. Maybe so. I received a whole packet of documents today...

Your Favorite Authors, Now Chat Bots!

How do you think Fyodor Dostoevsky would react to Google Docs? Do you think he would embrace the collaborative writing tool or instead remain invested in the Enlightenment individualism that accounts for much of contemporary writing practice and thought? Google gives...

The Shortcut Divide

“Wait, wait, what is it that you highlighted? Do I click here?” “Do I need to get the YouTube BEFORE I make the post?” “Hold on: what are you doing exactly? What button did you press?” These are questions I hadn’t thought...